This course includes
- Entrepreneurship strategies
- Entrepreneurial characteristics and motives
- The basic forms of starting a business
- The elements of a business plan
- Production and management plan
- SWOT analysis and what is its meaning
- Reflection, Evaluation, and Certification
- Teachers,
- Trainers,
- Educators,
- School administrators, etc.
The course is focused on developing entrepreneurial skills and providing practical ideas that can be used in the course.
The course offers strategies, based on good European practices, for the development of the entrepreneurial spirit in the education of students, but also of teachers, using real and immediate feedback from the students.
Course Content
Daily Program
Locations & Dates
Pre-Register Form
The course is focused on developing entrepreneurial skills and providing practical ideas that can be used in the course.
The course offers strategies, based on good European practices, for the development of the entrepreneurial spirit in the education of students, but also of teachers, using real and immediate feedback from the students.
Applying the new methods, students will identify work opportunities, act without fear, but be aware of the risks.
Learning Outcomes:
All participants will:
– develop critical thinking
– you gain knowledge for the labor market
-knows how to plan his career
-develop attractive teaching methods for entrepreneurship
– acquiring business skills
Knowing the necessary steps for a successful entrepreneurship
Identifying opportunities for the labor market
Practical applications on simple business ideas after accumulating the knowledge and skills acquired in the course
Developing the ability to transform business ideas into actions
The facility of transferring knowledge to other people.
The methods used in carrying out the activities will combine the exposure with active-participative methods, the accomplishment of the tasks being carried out through the effective involvement of the students. Emphasis will be placed on the students’ creativity.
Before class,
– Participants will complete a detailed questionnaire before the course to indicate their level of experience, teaching and training background.
– They will also prepare a presentation that reflects their own teaching method.
– A certificate of participation in the course will be given to all participants.
– A Europass mobility certificate will be granted if the participant requests it.
Day 1:
Presentation of the program
Who am I ? – Presentation of the participants
Entrepreneurship – The notion and importance of entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship strategies
Entrepreneurial skills
Entrepreneurial characteristics and motives
Day 2:
Starting a business
Evaluation of business potential
Identifying business opportunities
The basic forms of starting a business
Choosing the form of ownership of a business
Models of financing a business
Day 3:
Prerequisites for successfully running a start-up
The business plan
Features, benefits and developing a business plan
The elements of a business plan
Familiarizing students with market analysis as one of the most important tools in developing a business plan
Day 4:
Business description
The marketing plan
Production and management plan
Practical exercises
Day 5:
The financial plan
SWOT analysis and what is its meaning
The implications of a successful business
Success stories
Withdrawal on time.
Feedback questionnaire
All course participants will be provided with the presented materials, for effective dissemination in their own organizations and in other places. We will create a contact list of participants to exchange ideas/experiences. Learners will complete a feedback questionnaire regarding the training event.
Bucharest, ROMANIA
Bucharest, ROMANIA
17-21 June 2024