This course includes
- Television Journalism
- Editing television news
- Stages of news making
- Television journalistic techniques
- Typology of news
- Reflection, Evaluation, and Certification
- Teachers,
- Trainers,
- Educators.
Media and multimedia, these days, a good part of our lives. Whether we are talking about information or entertainment, each of us has watched, shared or even created audiovisual materials.
Course Content
Daily Program
Locations & Dates
Pre-Register Form
Media and multimedia, these days, a good part of our lives. Whether we are talking about information or entertainment, each of us has watched, shared or even created audiovisual materials. Associated television, however, still the main correct source of information for people, although many have moved to the online environment, the information being unlimited there, the “veteran” television has remained for many the first source of gathering information. In this context, through the “Multimedia – TV Journalism” course, participants will have the opportunity to understand how television news is made, how it is transmitted, who works on a TV news and how it becomes a regular piece of information or news . of general interest.
Learning Outcomes:
All participation in:
Identifying newsworthy information
Write a script for a television news story
It goes through all the stages of making a TV news
Go through the stages of making a TV news journal
Record audio-video or television news
Learn the 5W rule
Making a television news from “A to Z”
– identifying the importance of news and information in people’s lives
– understanding how to write and produce TV news
– the accumulation of information in the field of television journalism
– identifying the factors that prevent the good practice of the television journalistic process
The course is based on 30% theory and 70% practice and involves the observation, attentiveness and creativity of the participants.
Day 1:
Ice breaker exercise
Presentation of the trainer
Presentation of the course
Presentation of objectives
What is television journalism?
What is television news?
What is television?
Exercises on correct information
Day 2:
Ice breaker exercise
The 5W rule
Editing television news
Practical exercises
Visual info
Day 3:
Stages of news making:
- documented
- gathering information
- interviewing (field)
- selection of information
- editing
- Register
- Check
- assembly
- diffusion
Day 4:
News as a final product
Television journalistic techniques
The production team
Typology of news
News value
Day 5:
TV News Journal
Assembling the journal
The TV presenter
TV news studio
Feedback participate
All course participants will be provided with the presented materials, for effective dissemination in their own organizations and in other places. We will create a contact list of participants to exchange ideas/experiences. Learners will complete a feedback questionnaire regarding the training event.

Targovişte, ROMANIA
Targovişte, ROMANIA
23-27 June 2025

Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
23-27 June 2025