This course includes
- Presentation in front of the camera.
- Write a presentation
- Speaking in public
- Signs and gestures in a presentation
- Presentation exercises
- Reflection, Evaluation, and Certification
- Teachers,
- Trainers,
- Educators,
- School administrators, etc.
The way you present yourself, the way you speak, your attitude in front of people can be the key that opens the door to the next success in your life. Public speaking is about message, anticipation, empathy and courage!
Course Content
Daily Program
Locations & Dates
Pre-Register Form
You will learn how to manage your emotions in front of the public, how to properly structure your speech and how to support it in front of the audience. You will also discover the technique of “well spoken words”, by mastering the correct pronunciation of the sounds in a word, finding the right rhythm, intonation, voice modulations, volume and phrasing, but also the necessary techniques and effective methods to capture the audience’s attention.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, participants will have the ability to speak easily in public, know how to easily capture attention and learn how to properly structure a speech.
– students will learn how to manage their emotions in front of a large audience.
– At the end of the course, participants will be familiar with the stages of preparing a speech and giving it to the public.
– They will learn the technique of “well spoken words” by acquiring the correct pronunciation of the sounds in a word, finding the rhythm, intonation, modulations of the voice, volume and suitable phrasing.
you will learn the necessary techniques and effective methods to capture the audience’s attention.
Presentations, lectures, case studies, discussions, viewings
Day 1:
Knowledge exercise. Icebreaking. Two truths and a lie.
Objective: to help participants get to know each other.
Procedure: Each participant will write 4 information about himself, one of which will be a lie. All participants will take turns reading what they have written and the others will mark what they think is a lie. After everyone has read, we go back to the first person who reads the list again and tells us what the lie is. The other participants will see how well they guessed.
Presentation in front of the camera.
Day 2:
Accommodating exercise with the subject of the course
Procedure: Participants will watch videos of personalities speaking in public. They have to analyze the way they speak, the text of the speech, the way it was drafted, diction, mime, gesticulation. They will then comment on the strengths and weaknesses of their respective presentations.
Presentation of information by the trainer
Presentation in front of the camera.
Day 3:
Practice exercise. Signs and gestures in a presentation.
Implementation: The trainer will present the students with notions from the book of gestures and they will analyze together the gestures and signs that must be used in a presentation, what they represent, how they can hide their emotions using a gesture, how they can capture attention, using body language. Each participant will present one of the reasons why they are afraid to speak in public.
Objective: learning the concepts and using them when presenting a speech
Day 4:
Presentation exercises. Writing a speech. Giving a presentation against time.
Conduct: Each participant will receive a presentation title and other information to help them deliver their presentation. He will have 10 minutes to write a presentation of about 2 minutes.
Supporting the presentation. The audience will be able to react. The audience will grade the presentation. Feedback from the trainer.
Objective: To help participants get used to public speaking. The presentation will be filmed so that you can follow the progress until the end of the course.
Day 5:
Assessment exercise. Feedback
Implementation: An evaluation of the trainer and the methods used by him will be done through a questionnaire provided to the trainees.
An evaluation of the trainees will be done by the trainer.
Objective: To determine to what extent the participants enjoyed taking part in the course and whether their expectations were met. Evaluation of concepts after the end of the first day of the course.
All course participants will be provided with the presented materials, for effective dissemination in their own organizations and in other places. We will create a contact list of participants to exchange ideas/experiences. Learners will complete a feedback questionnaire regarding the training event.

Bucharest, Romania
Bucharest, Romania
08-12 December 2025